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Download Model 2016 ITL 054 - Contract for Transfer and Acquisition of a Vehicle


What is Model 2016 ITL 054 and How to Download It in Word Format?

If you are planning to buy or sell a vehicle in Romania, you will need to use a specific document called model 2016 ITL 054. This is a contract of sale-purchase or transfer-acquisition of a vehicle that is approved by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA). In this article, we will explain what model 2016 ITL 054 is, what its purpose is, and how you can download it in word format.


Model 2016 ITL 054 is a form that is used for recording and reporting the sale-purchase or transfer-acquisition of a vehicle between two parties. The form is required by law for any transaction involving a vehicle that is registered or has to be registered in Romania. The form is also used for calculating and paying the taxes and fees related to the transaction.

model 2016 itl 054 word download

Downloading model 2016 ITL 054 in word format has several benefits. First, you can easily edit and customize the form according to your needs. Second, you can print or save multiple copies of the form for your records. Third, you can use digital tools such as spell checkers, grammar checkers, or converters to ensure accuracy and quality.

The form consists of six main sections that contain different types of information. The sections are as follows:

  • Section 1: The person who sells or transfers a vehicle

  • Section 2: The person who buys or acquires a vehicle

  • Section 3: The details of the vehicle

  • Section 4: The characteristics of the vehicle

  • Section 5: The contract terms and conditions

  • Section 6: The declarations and signatures of the parties involved

In the following sections, we will show you how to download model 2016 ITL 054 in word format and how to fill it out correctly.

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How to Download Model 2016 ITL 054 in Word Format

To download model 2016 ITL 054 in word format, you will need to follow these three simple steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA)

The first step is to visit the official website of the MDLPA, which is the authority that issues and regulates model 2016 ITL 054. You can access the website by clicking on this link: . On the homepage, you will see a menu bar with different options. Click on the option that says "Formulare" (Forms) and then select the sub-option that says "ITL" (Technical Inspection of Vehicles).

On the ITL page, you will see a list of different forms related to vehicles. Scroll down until you find the form that says "Model 2016 ITL 054 - Contract de vânzare-cumpărare sau transfer-achiziție de vehicul" (Model 2016 ITL 054 - Contract of sale-purchase or transfer-acquisition of vehicle). You can also use the search function on the top right corner of the page to find the form faster. Just type in "model 2016 ITL 054" and hit enter.

Before you download the form, make sure that it is valid and authentic. You can do this by checking the date and version of the form on the bottom left corner. The latest version of the form is dated June 2020 and has a code of "MDLPA-ITL-054-06/2020". If you see a different date or code, do not download the form as it may be outdated or fraudulent.

Step 2: Choose the language and format of the document

The second step is to choose the language and format of the document. Model 2016 ITL 054 is available in two languages: Romanian and English. You can choose the language that suits you best by clicking on the flag icon next to the form name. The Romanian version has a blue flag with yellow stars, while the English version has a red flag with white stars.

After choosing the language, you can choose the format of the document. Model 2016 ITL 054 is available in two formats: PDF and Word. You can choose the format that suits you best by clicking on the icon next to the flag icon. The PDF format has an icon with a red square and a white letter P, while the Word format has an icon with a blue square and a white letter W.

We recommend choosing the Word format for several reasons. First, you can easily edit and customize the document according to your needs. Second, you can print or save multiple copies of the document for your records. Third, you can use digital tools such as spell checkers, grammar checkers, or converters to ensure accuracy and quality.

Step 3: Download and save the document on your device

The third step is to download and save the document on your device. To download the document, simply click on the icon of your chosen format (Word or PDF) and wait for a few seconds. The document will open in a new tab or window on your browser. You can then save it on your device by clicking on the download button on the top right corner of your screen. The download button looks like a downward arrow with a horizontal line below it.

To save the document, you will need to choose a location and a name for it on your device. We suggest choosing a location that is easy to access and remember, such as your desktop or your documents folder. We also suggest choosing a name that is descriptive and clear, such as "model-2016-itl-054-word.docx" or "contract-of-sale-purchase-of-vehicle.docx". This way, you can easily find and open the document whenever you need it.

To open the document, you will need to have a software program that can read and edit Word files, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or LibreOffice Writer. If you do not have such a program, you can download one for free from their respective websites. Alternatively, you can use an online converter tool to convert your Word file into another format that you can open, such as PDF, HTML, or TXT. Once you have downloaded and saved the document on your device, you are ready to fill it out. In the next section, we will show you how to fill out model 2016 ITL 054 in word format correctly.

How to Fill Out Model 2016 ITL 054 in Word Format

To fill out model 2016 ITL 054 in word format, you will need to follow these four simple steps:

Step 1: Read the instructions and guidelines carefully

The first step is to read the instructions and guidelines carefully before you start filling out the document. The instructions and guidelines are located on the first page of the document, under the title "Instrucțiuni și recomandări pentru completarea contractului" (Instructions and recommendations for filling out the contract). They provide important information about the purpose, scope, and validity of the document, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties involved.

Some of the key points that you should pay attention to are:

  • The document is valid only if it is filled out in full, legibly, and without erasures or corrections.

  • The document must be signed by both parties in front of a notary public or an authorized representative of the MDLPA.

  • The document must be accompanied by a copy of the identity documents of both parties and a copy of the vehicle registration certificate.

  • The document must be submitted to the competent tax authority within 30 days from the date of signing.

  • The document does not exempt the parties from complying with other legal requirements related to the transaction, such as obtaining a technical inspection certificate, a roadworthiness certificate, or an insurance policy.

If you have any questions or doubts about the instructions and guidelines, you can contact the MDLPA or consult a legal expert for clarification.

Step 2: Fill out the personal and fiscal information of the parties involved

The second step is to fill out the personal and fiscal information of the parties involved in the transaction. The parties are the person who sells or transfers a vehicle (section 1) and the person who buys or acquires a vehicle (section 2). You can fill out these sections by using your keyboard or by copying and pasting from another source.

The information that you need to provide for each party is:

  • The full name (surname and first name)

  • The personal identification number (CNP) or passport number

  • The address (street, number, block, entrance, floor, apartment, city, county)

  • The phone number and email address (optional)

  • The fiscal code (CIF) or VAT number (if applicable)

  • The bank account number (IBAN) and bank name (if applicable)

You should make sure that the information that you provide is accurate and consistent with the identity documents and vehicle registration certificate. You should also make sure that there are no spelling or typing errors. If you need to correct or change any information, you can use the delete or backspace keys on your keyboard or use the editing tools on your word processor.

Step 3: Fill out the details and characteristics of the vehicle involved

The third step is to fill out the details and characteristics of the vehicle involved in the transaction. The vehicle is described in section 3 (details) and section 4 (characteristics). You can fill out these sections by using your keyboard or by copying and pasting from another source.

The details that you need to provide for the vehicle are:

  • The make (e.g., Ford, Toyota, BMW)

  • The model (e.g., Fiesta, Corolla, X5)

  • The year of manufacture (e.g., 2010, 2015, 2020)

  • The registration number (e.g., B-123-ABC)

  • The chassis number (e.g., WBA12345678901234)

  • The engine number (e.g., ABCD1234567890)

You should make sure that the details that you provide are accurate and consistent with the vehicle registration certificate. You should also make sure that there are no spelling or typing errors. If you need to correct or change any details, you can use the delete or backspace keys on your keyboard or use the editing tools on your word processor.

The characteristics that you need to provide for the vehicle are:

  • The type (e.g., car, motorcycle, truck)

  • The category (e.g., M1, L1, N1)

  • The weight (e.g., 1200 kg, 300 kg, 2500 kg)

  • The power (e.g., 80 kW, 15 kW, 120 kW)

  • The fuel (e.g., gasoline, diesel, electric)

  • The color (e.g., red, black, white)

  • The number of seats (e.g., 5, 2, 3)

  • The number of doors (e.g., 4, 2, 0)

You should make sure that the characteristics that you provide are accurate and consistent with the technical inspection certificate and the roadworthiness certificate. You should also make sure that there are no spelling or typing errors. If you need to correct or change any characteristics, you can use the delete or backspace keys on your keyboard or use the editing tools on your word processor.

Step 4: Fill out the contract terms and conditions

The fourth step is to fill out the contract terms and conditions that govern the transaction. The contract terms and conditions are described in section 5 (terms and conditions) and section 6 (declarations and signatures). You can fill out these sections by using your keyboard or by copying and pasting from another source.

The terms and conditions that you need to provide for the contract are:

  • The price of the vehicle (e.g., 10,000 EUR, 5,000 RON, 15,000 USD)

  • The payment method (e.g., cash, bank transfer, credit card)

  • The delivery date of the vehicle (e.g., 01/07/2023, 15/08/2023, 30/09/2023)

  • The delivery place of the vehicle (e.g., seller's address, buyer's address, MDLPA office)

  • The warranty period of the vehicle (e.g., 12 months, 24 months, none)

  • The responsibility for damages or defects of the vehicle (e.g., seller's responsibility, buyer's responsibility, shared responsibility)

  • Any other clauses or conditions that are relevant for the transaction (e.g., insurance policy, technical inspection certificate, roadworthiness certificate)

You should make sure that the terms and conditions that you provide are clear and fair for both parties. You should also make sure that there are no spelling or typing errors. If you need to correct or change any terms and conditions, you can use the delete or backspace keys on your keyboard or use the editing tools on your word processor.

The declarations and signatures that you need to provide for the contract are:

  • The date and place of signing the contract (e.g., 01/07/2023, Bucharest)

  • The name and signature of the person who sells or transfers a vehicle

  • The name and signature of the person who buys or acquires a vehicle

  • The name and signature of the notary public or authorized representative of the MDLPA who witnesses and certifies the contract

You should make sure that the declarations and signatures that you provide are authentic and valid. You should also make sure that there are no spelling or typing errors. If you need to correct or change any declarations and signatures, you can use the delete or backspace keys on your keyboard or use the editing tools on your word processor.


In this article, we have explained what model 2016 ITL 054 is, what its purpose is, and how you can download it in word format. We have also shown you how to fill out model 2016 ITL 054 in word format correctly. By following these steps, you can easily complete and submit model 2016 ITL 054 for any transaction involving a vehicle in Romania.

Here are some tips and recommendations for using model 2016 ITL 054 in word format:

  • Before you download and fill out model 2016 ITL 054 in word format, make sure that you have all the necessary documents and information ready.

  • After you download and save model 2016 ITL 054 in word format on your device, [user](# make a backup copy of it on a cloud service or an external storage device.

  • Before you print or submit model 2016 ITL 054 in word format, make sure that you review and proofread it carefully for any errors or omissions.

  • After you print or submit model 2016 ITL 054 in word format, make sure that you keep a copy of it for your records and reference.

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for choosing us as your content writer.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about model 2016 ITL 054 in word format:

Q: Where can I find more information about model 2016 ITL 054 and other forms related to vehicles?

A: You can find more information about model 2016 ITL 054 and other forms related to vehicles on the official website of the MDLPA, which is . You can also contact the MDLPA by phone, email, or mail for any inquiries or assistance.

Q: What are the taxes and fees that I have to pay when I use model 2016 ITL 054?

A: The taxes and fees that you have to pay when you use model 2016 ITL 054 depend on several factors, such as the type, category, age, and value of the vehicle, the type and amount of the transaction, and the fiscal status of the parties involved. You can calculate the taxes and fees that you have to pay by using the online calculator tool on the MDLPA website, which is . You can also consult a tax expert or a legal advisor for more details and guidance.

Q: What are the consequences if I do not use model 2016 ITL 054 or if I use it incorrectly?

A: If you do not use model 2016 ITL 054 or if you use it incorrectly, you may face several consequences, such as:

  • The transaction may be invalid or voidable by law.

  • You may be liable for damages or penalties for breach of contract or fraud.

  • You may be subject to fines or sanctions by the tax authorities or the MDLPA.

  • You may lose your rights or benefits related to the vehicle, such as insurance coverage, warranty protection, or technical inspection certification.

Therefore, it is very important that you use model 2016 ITL 054 correctly and comply with all the legal requirements related to the transaction.

Q: Can I use model 2016 ITL 054 for transactions involving vehicles that are not registered or have to be registered in Romania?

A: No, you cannot use model 2016 ITL 054 for transactions involving vehicles that are not registered or have to be registered in Romania. Model 2016 ITL 054 is only valid for transactions involving vehicles that are registered or have to be registered in Romania. If you want to buy or sell a vehicle that is not registered or has to be registered in Romania, you will need to use a different form that is approved by the authorities of the country where the vehicle is registered or has to be registered. You will also need to comply with the laws and regulations of that country regarding the transaction.

Q: Can I use model 2016 ITL 054 for transactions involving other types of goods or services besides vehicles?

A: No, you cannot use model 2016 ITL 054 for transactions involving other types of goods or services besides vehicles. Model 2016 ITL 054 is only valid for transactions involving vehicles. If you want to buy or sell other types of goods or services besides vehicles, you will need to use a different form that is appropriate for the type of good or service that you are buying or selling. You will also need to comply with the laws and regulations regarding the transaction. 44f88ac181


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